catalogue & order

By clicking one of the buttons you can find the books we currently have in stock listed at the antiquarian databases ZVAB or BOOKLOOKER.



We always try to keep our catalogue absolutely up-to-date, so that every book you find there will be available for you. But please understand that it might happen that the book you want to purchase is already sold, even though it’s still listed in our catalogue because e.g. someone ordered the same copy shortly before you.





If you’ve found something in our catalogue you’d like to order you can do this via the sites listed or you can place your order directly via email (see contact) or phone  + 49 221-559 4013:



  •  The prices of our books don't include shipping. For the benefit of our customers we generally choose the lowest shipping rate possible. If you need a book urgently or have wishes concerning the shipping please tell us. 
  •  Orders exceeding the prize of Euro 50.- are always shipped as a parcel which means they are insured.
  • Shipping is free for orders with a price above Euro 100.- in Germany and orders with a prize above Euro 300.- in the EU.
  • Generally, we ship our books with an invoice. If the price total exceeds Euro 50.- advance payment might be expected. If you prefer kinds of payment other than bank transfer such as billing via credit card , unfortunately, we can’t offer it if you place your order directly (but via ZVAB it’s possible!)
  • No matter which way you choose placing an order automatically means accepting our terms of trade. (See AGB - Terms of Trade above).
  • The shipping rates you find on the antiquarian databases ZVAB and BOOKLOOKER are standardized. Therefore the actual shipping costs might differ especially when shipping abroad is concerned. If the shipping costs are higher than indicated we’ll send you a message and ask for your consent. Only after you’ve accepted your order is legally binding. (For further information please see AGB - Terms of Trade above.)
  • We won't pay for any costs resulting from international bank transfer which is especially relevant for orders from countries outside the EU. If you transfer money via your bank please make sure to cover all costs.
  • We don't accept cheques.